Elite Pup Program
Mainly for specific behavioral issues, session held at your house.

Service Description
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with your furry friend's behavior? Do you want a happier and more well-behaved dog? Look no further than our private training package, designed to address your unique needs and preferences. At Woof Academy, we believe that training should take place in your dog's comfort zone, in realistic scenarios that simulate real-life situations. That's why we offer a package of five 1.5-hour sessions, all held in the comfort of your own home. With flexible scheduling based on your availability and our training, we make it easy to fit training into your busy life. But the benefits don't end there. Our comprehensive course layout is designed to address all of your dog's needs, starting with basic manners and leash mannerism in the first session. From there, we build on that foundation with each subsequent session, tackling the next wave of home issues and practicing advanced commands like heel and auto-sit in real-life outdoor environments. And when it comes to socialization and real-life scenarios, our training really shines. We'll work with you and your furry friend to perfect loose leash walking in high-distraction areas like dog parks, beaches, and more. We'll practice all of the commands you've learned so far, in a mixture of situations that challenge your dog's focus and discipline. And finally, we'll even attempt off-leash training in a safe, enclosed area – a true testament to your dog's progress and our dedication to their success. All of this can be yours for just $1100 – a small price to pay for a lifetime of happiness and companionship with your beloved pet. Don't let frustration and anxiety rule your life – choose Woof Academy and experience the difference for yourself Location: Your place (Aim to work with dog in their comfort zone stimulating realistic scenarios) Time: Based on your availability and our training
Contact Details
Woof Academy, Kismis Avenue, Singapore